Anforderungen an Ihren Legal Support
BizLegal bietet Ihnen Lösungen zur Optimierung des Legal Support in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Ist Ihr Unternehmen bei Legal gut aufgestellt?
Sind die KPIs für Legal transparent?
Eine gute Rechtsabteilung hat ein tiefes Verständnis des Business
und leistet Support durch Management von ...
Anforderungen an Ihren Legal Support
BizLegal bietet Ihnen Lösungen zur Optimierung des Legal Support in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Ist Ihr Unternehmen bei Legal gut aufgestellt?
Sind die KPIs für Legal transparent?
Eine gute Rechtsabteilung hat ein tiefes Verständnis des Business
und leistet Support durch Management von ...
Anforderungen an Ihren Legal Support
BizLegal bietet Ihnen Lösungen zur Optimierung des Legal Support in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Ist Ihr Unternehmen bei Legal gut aufgestellt?
Sind die KPIs für Legal transparent?
Eine gute Rechtsabteilung hat ein tiefes Verständnis des Business
und leistet Support durch Management von ...
Anforderungen an Ihren Legal Support
BizLegal bietet Ihnen Lösungen zur Optimierung des Legal Support in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Ist Ihr Unternehmen bei Legal gut aufgestellt?
Sind die KPIs für Legal transparent?
Eine gute Rechtsabteilung hat ein tiefes Verständnis des Business
und leistet Support durch Management von ...
Organizational Development
Change Management & Legal
Designing, building, restructuring: optimizes your Legal Department for doing business in Germany.
Change Management has different scenarios for a Legal Department:
a Legal and / or Compliance Dept. for your venture or subsidiary based in Germany must be built from scratch (including the necessary processes and interfaces with other business units) so, once in place, it can then be handed over to a permanent job holder;
the existing Legal / Compliance Dept. is in need of an organizational overhaul
due to an M&A process, caused by organic growth or triggered by a sudden crisis, the entire company needs to go through a reorganization process. This also affects the work of the Legal / Compliance Dept.
In each case, our focus at is clear: Rather than sophisticated paper work, voluminous consulting reports or endless Powerpoint presentations, what really counts to make change work is the implementation of workable practical solutions for Legal and the business. Experience matters. That is what is focussing on.
Your young company has successfully grown beyond start-up.
The management is now more and more occupied with topics like organization, bureaucracy, authorities, and "legal stuff". But it wants to focus on the business again. Your company needs someone to take care of Legal on a permanent basis!
What‘s the solution: outside counsel or additional headcount to hire an inhouse counsel? A dedicated junior lawyer or an experienced General Counsel? offers solutions.
The team is dedicated. Yet, some workflows appear flawed.
What‘s the cause? And how can you develop your team to overcome this difficulty?
Also, company growth has altered the quality requirements for Legal.
How to adjust workflows and team performance in Legal to the needs of your business in transition? offers solutions..
Along with its growth, your company has changed internally. A couple of things no longer match with its initial spirit. Sub surface, dissatisfaction is emerging within the team.
And somehow, communication suddenly seems to fail. Legal appears to have more concerns than solutions. On the other hand, some BUs seem to not involve Legal suffficiently.
What can management do to fix all this? offers solutions.
Controlling company growth
The bigger the company gets, the more complex become work processes. Company growth alters the allocation of tasks and creates team dynamics unheard of previously. Also, the expansion of business activities trigger new legal questions which haven‘t been relevant at earlier stages of the company lifetime. Now, however, such legal pitfalls need to be taken care of.
Company development demands diligent management. This is particularly the case for the Legal Department.
Legal has to make a lot of ends meet in a company as the Legal Dept. is responsible for finding the right balance between entrepreneurial freedom of action on the one side and avoidance of legal risks on the other. It is true what they say: "nothing ventured, nothing gained." However, an unguided adventurous attitude of business leaders may entice them to play with fire. On the other hand, an overcautious Legal Dept. may paralyze the innovative power of the business. Legal, therefore, is thus responsible for enabling management to take informed, smart decisions on taking risks, (viz. "smart risks") at all times.
And when the company changes, so does its risk profile, Legal then has to take action to keep up with this evolution it order to seemlessly continue fulfilling its important task under changing conditions.
This by no means affects merely young, growing companies: Seasoned corporations, in particular, often have difficulties challenging themselves by putting their established legal processes and structures to the test.
In both cases, companies are well advised to have their change process managed by an independent, qualified outside advisor who makes sure that all stakeholders in the companies are adequately involved in the process.
As a specialist for Legal Change Management, provides the setup and adjustment of the legal support to companies in growth and transition, in line with their specific requirements. Based on a diligent evaluation of your company's needs, helps making your legal support responsive to the characteristics and dynamics of your company and business.
There should be full transparency at all times about task, responsibilty and role of Legal in every company, also in times of change, and, at the same time, every inhouse counsel should always be aware of "who am I?". Strategic consulting as well as interim managent provides your company with made-to-measure management of your legal affairs portfolio. Independent, competent and experienced.
Implementation Support
Also benefit from the implementation support offered by Make sure that from now on, your Legal Dept. really works in the way which your company needs.
More often than never, good advice is simply not good enough for meeting management challenges and solving problems. Or, as famous German writer Erich Kaestner once put it: „nothing is good unless you do it.“ Sustainable success of change processes, in particular, will result only from skillful implementation and due controlling, as changing habits is often hard to do. supports the implementation of adjustment strategies defined before, in order to optimize your legal support.
Contact us for further information.